I finally came around to create my own webpage. For this, I used Hugo ( https://gohugo.io/) , as I was already with it. First, I looked for an appropriate theme and found monochrome ( https://github.com/kaiiiz/hugo-theme-monochrome) , which looked quite appealing. Especially interesting is the ‘balloon’ layout that seemed well suited for personal webpages.
I modified the theme slightly with some custom CSS code to add a hint of a background image and to highlight the center content a bit more by giving it its designated background.
While the process not too involved, the HUGO documentation leaves quite a bit to be desired in my opinion, in comparison to other documentations I usually use (python or R). While the basics of installing themes and creating content are easily accessible, it is a little hard to get a good grasp of the inner workings of HUGO (thing such as modules, the terminology, what configuration goes where, why are there 3 different configuration languages…). I also find that the docs are a little bit too lengthy and that the layout is not dense enough. But as with all, I guess the level of understanding is a function of the time invested.
Then, adding content and building the website is very straightforward, and I can definitely recommend HUGO for all who have basic understanding of HTML, CSS and command of the terminal.